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321 2nd St. South

321 2nd St S., Ste. 103

Nampa ID 83651




10:00 AM - Bible Class

    (Singing, every last Sunday)

11:15 AM - Worship



Due to roof maintenance

this weeks class has been



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Welcome, and thank you for visiting our site.


     We are a group of like-minded Christians who are committed to maintaining the pattern of the church established in the New Testament. We turn to the Bible for answers on how to become a Christian, how to live as a Christian, and how to worship God as a Christian. We are pre-denominational and non-institutional.

     If you are visiting in the area, please make plans to worship with us. If you live in the area, please consider worshiping with us on a regular basis. We would be honored to have you as our guest.



​"We are actively seeking a dedicated full-time preacher who is Biblically sound and committed to the Lord and His church. Someone who is passionate about proclaiming the Gospel and possesses the ability to help guide our congregation towards growth and success within our community."  If interested, please download and complete the "Preacher Candidate Questionnaire."​


The Canyon church encourages personal Bible study and offers a free Bible Correspondence Course (PDF format), which you can download and print at your convenience.

After downloading the course, complete each lesson and then simply mail your completed Q&A sheet(s) by *postal service to:

Correspondence Course
Canyon church of Christ
321 2nd St S., Ste. 103
Nampa, Idaho 83651

The "Bible Correspondence Course" can be an effective means of learning more of the Bible message by means of a planned, systematic series of lessons. You study in your own home at your own pace. Just follow the instructions with the course.

* If you prefer not using the U.S. Postal Service, just take a photo of your completed Q&A sheet and email the pic to:

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